Pink Floyd – Wish you were here, spartito testo e accordi -

Pink Floyd

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Wish you were here

Intro Primo chitarra:  Fill 1 (questo fill e' ripetuto fino all'ingresso della  Secondo chitarra,  
poi  dopo  per  tutta  la  durata  del  fill 2,  fino  all'inizio del cantato)
Intro Secondochitarra: Fill 2
--2h4--------------4--2-|--2 (6)4----(6)4---2-----------|
Suonare ora solo testi ed accordi:
Sol    Do                         Re
So, so you think you can tell
              Lam                   Sol                          Re
heaven from hell, blue sky from pain. Can you tell a green field, from a 
             Do                    Lam                         Sol
cold steel rail, a smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell? 
                 Do                      Re                    Lam
Did they get you trade, your heroes for ghosts, hot ashes for trees, hot air
          Sol                             Re                Do        
from a cool breeze, cold comfort for change, did you exchange, a walk on 
                 Lam                          Sol
the part of the war, for a lead role in the cage.
Primo guitar solo: ripetere fill 1, durante il solo, con sotto gli accordi    
Mim  Sol  Mim  Sol  Mim  La  Mim  La
Do                                Re              Lam
How i wish, how i wish you were here. We're just two lost souls swimming
               Sol                Re                                 Do
in a fish bowl, year after year. Running over the same old ground, but have
                         Lam                  Sol
we found the same old fears, wish you were here.
Secondo guitar solo e outro: Mim  Sol  Mim  Sol  Mim  La  Mim  La  Sol.